Thursday, September 30, 2010

Back on the Job

It's good to be back in Sweden as the weather has cooled down and "the season" is upon us. All those uncleaned boulders I found this summer are prime for grappling and the number of projects is daunting. Hammie and I are back on the job as the last two days we swung buy one of our new areas with Lina one day and Kim the next. The area now has has about 10 established problems and 5 brushed projects. With a little help the area with yield much more and some of the projects are top class. If there are any takers Hammie and I would love to show some folks around.

Family Huddle starts on a juggy rail and tops outs with a heinous slopers

Kim sends Lina's arete

Kim on Rainbow Crack

A cool bulge. I didn't have time to send this one but I think the top will be spicy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks nice Walker! You must see the new stuff we found at Tjörn!
Also keen on "Minute snowflakes" area some day??
