Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Land of the Free

Other than having my peanut butter taken from me by security (honestly, can't people use a little discretion when taking potentially "dangerous liquids" from travelers), my travels went off without a hitch. Now I'm back in the good old US of A where people, vehicles, and egos are noticeably larger. Ahhhhhh, don't you love the taste of freedom.
First stop is Pie Town for the annual festival. Lots of family, friends, climbing, and of course pie.
check out an old Pie Fest vid I made in 2005

and if you want more pie action my friend at backyardbouldering has made a vid for the last couple years as well.

I'll let everyone know how this fest goes and I'm hoping for a Swedish invasion next year.


Jimbob said...

I cant wait to get a healty dose of pie! Yummy!

Anonymous said...

Sticket här på Västkusten är Grymt!
ALLA projekt kommer att vara gjorda när du är tillbaks.. sorry mate :-)