Sometimes there are those projects that somehow remain just out of reach for long periods. The ones that you "know" you're going to do next time, and then the next time, and the next. I'm generally pretty bad at projecting as the logic of spending more than a couple days on one problem doesn't make sense to me when there are so many more to do. That being said there are certainly problems that I try once or twice a year and eventually realize I've spent way more than my 3 day quota.
One of these problems is at a small area in Bohuslan and if it wasn't so damn beautiful I'd be able to leave it be. I've actually stuck the definitive crux 4 or 5 times and chuffed at the top like an idiot. It is not a problem you can try more than a few times as the crux requires crimping on a sharp micro-crimp. At this point it has only been done by Henrik and spit off everyone else. But I'm sure I'll fire it next time.
Here are a couple pictures of En Världsomsegling Under Havet.
Oskar working on En Världsomsegling Under Havet
Taking the sharp crimp before the crux dyno
Looking like he means business